speaking of which... PGMusic, if you aren't already making a specific effort to contact churches with announcements about your products, you should definitely be doing so.

1) Music has always been a big part of worship in most churches

2) every pastor knows which of his members are gifted musically, and they often try to cultivate musical participation among the congregation

3) just as many who don't necessarily want to go on mission trips will give so others can go, there are those in every congregation who would contribute toward instruments and software so that others can exercise their musical gifts

4) open any phone book to the yellow pages where churches are listed. Count the number of churches. Not only could ALL of them use your products, there are probably MANY people from each church who would be potential customers. And if even ONE of them starts developing songs in BIAB/RB, they'll eventually want to collaborate, so they'll all need the same software

5) this is a demographic that tends to evangelize what they love, if you catch my drift

6) it's also a demographic that would be biased toward actually paying for the software rather than trying to pirate it.

7) in the previous post, go to the Paul Baloche site and watch some of the videos. Church music ain't what it used to be. The advent of multi-media projectors and congregation involvement has dramatically changed the way music is integrated into many services. IMHO, the music that many churches are now playing is a perfect fit for BIAB/RB. In fact if you look at the lead sheets for his songs, it looks like he could have made them with BIAB