This may be in the works , but to make the jazz thing happen we need real jazz piano because that BIAB midi piano is ...well, let's just say I always mute it and play trio style. And while you're at it some more variations of acoustic walking bass.

And something else that would be over the top for aspiring guitarists would be BIAB or midi versions of pro guitar arrangements of classic tunes- in jazz they could be real book tunes. Rock would be stuff like zep songs, crossroads etc. I know this would entail licensing but there is nothing like this kind of thing I know of. I know that the master guitarist programs have some of this in the jazz genre but the tunes dont have the original melodies ( even though based on classics) and I think while these are worthwhile programs the songs being unfamiliar is a barrier to real musical instruction with real classic songs. The good part is that when you've spent the time to learn a classic you have a real song you can play that people will instantly recognize.

hey this is a wish list so I can dream