As others have mentioned, Brent's really nailed the emotion in the vocal.

The "spaces" in the vocal, such as "Jesus...I can hear you calling" didn't work for me - they pulled me out of the song and left me waiting in the silence. It felt like a gimmick without a payoff.

You held my attention with the lyric. There's only spot where I couldn't make out the words:

When I'm feeling sorry for myself/and I've run out of ????

I like the vocal harmony, and the instrumentation is good. But there's something about the mix that I can't quite put my finger on - the various parts feel a bit "detached". Maybe it's the reverb on the vocal, or on the drums.

Anyway, solid work.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?