Hi RHARV, you are fully right !

I got a new link to download (from PG site) directly onto my win_XP PC and that's : OK !

To come back to my problem, i confirm that there is an issue (as described above in a previous email) when copying MEGAREALCOMBOS from a win_7 PC onto a USB drive; those files are seen from a win_XP PC (the receiver) as "corrupted".

It has to be noticed that the problem exists, whatever the source of the MEGAREALCOMBOS files to be loaded on the win_XP PC [either from the USB drive or directly from the hard disk (after of course, loading it from the USB drive onto the hard disk)].

Should you need additional investigations, i will be pleased to cooperate. Do not hesitate !

To all BIAB worldwide community, have a nice new 2011 year !
