I’d like to see the “Record Melody / Record From” window have an optional button or switch somewhere in the window which would give the window the ability to remember the last “Record From Bar #” entered.

As it is now, the user is forced to manually enter the original "From Bar #", upon stopping every unsuccessful take.

Upon stopping an unsuccessful take, with the proposed optional “Remember From Bar #” button activated, the program would automatically whisk itself back to whatever bar number was last entered and then be ready to record the next take. (The last bar # that was entered would auto-retained or automatically re-entered or pasted and the program would thereby be ready to record the next take.)

Not only would this option be a great convenience to have during the recording of multiple takes, it would significicantly speed up the process of recording where multiple takes are necessary to achieve that sucessful take.


None of us knows what all of us knows.