
The scant 2 pages of instruction in the Roland manual about using the JV-1080 with a desktop computer system states to initalize the GM mode (press >shift>GM) "to play midi scores". This works fine for selecting the limited GM patch bank - 128 patches - through the biab gui. Of course, I'd like access the higher bank patches and expansion card patches through the biab / rb gui for another 1000+ patches.

That is probably old info on using it in GM mode. Most Roalands need to be in performance mode to access extra banks.
If that synth needs a special performance mode set up to work correctly, you'll need another JV1080 user to help.
Accessing higher banks is most reliable using the MSB LSB changes to 'force' the synth to change. This info will be in the MIDI section of the manual. It may not be fun to read, but it is invaluable info. Labor thru the MIDI section of the manual and find what you need to make it work. Like I said earlier, some users like using the 'Classic Tracks' window because you can enter the MSB LSB info there easily.
Reading the manual should help make sense of this. There are two numbers that call up a bank (MSB and LSB - most significant byte and least significant byte) then the program number for that bank.

For example a patch in Bank 22 may use MSB 22 and LSB 1 plus the program change number needed for that patch. All this info will be in the manual if it's a Roland (in my experience anyway).

You can also enter MSB and LSB using control changes in the event list ... but you'll still need access to the info on the numbers needed from the manual.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome