John, thanks for those tips. I'll go through and check those global settings....


Once you get a setup it can be frustration all over again when you get the next computer. Back to square one trying to remember how you did the setup 3 years ago. Nice.

There almost ought to be a 'this is my total setup' script file where you take it when you migrate to a newer version on a faster machine with another o/s. doubt, that's part of my issue. (Plus adding new-to-me outboard sound modules. Had soft-synths config/use down.) I recently changed OS to Windows 7 with a fresh install of BB 2011. No, I can't remember all those settings made way back when for BB in Windows XP, either. Yes, a "setup" script file, portable from one OS or machine to the next, would be very convenient. Good luck with that.

Thanks again.