Unfreakin believeable- I had a whole post typed up and the board threw an error. That gets me so pissed. Anyway...

I like this track a whole lot! The BGV are very good and very creative. The lyrics are first rate, as always. I have two observations on this one. First, I listened to this one the first time with no lyrics- just listening. A number of lines were unintelligable for me. I watched the video second- nice video- and it has lyrics. That helped me when I listened again without them a second time. But the first 'blind' listen- it was hard to pull out a number of lyrical lines.

Second is much more subjective. I felt it could use a bridge that took the music in one other direction, and then find it's way back to the main chord structure. It's a nice chord passage- very pleasant & catchy. But a left turn in there somewhere could add interest and contrast.

I really think this a great track- perhaps the most ambitious one yet from 'the duo'! Very good song and nice video too. Keep up the hits!
