You don't really need an attorney to REGISTER your songs. In most civilized countries you have a copyright on your original works as soon as they are written down or recorded--this is under the relatively new international copyright laws.

Registering your work is simply a way to put a legal time stamp on it showing the date that it was created. If someone else subsequently claims your work as theirs, then you have legal proof of the date the work was created by you.

An attorney is certainly advised if you intend to sue someone for a copyright violation of any of your original works, but you better have some legally binding proof of the date that the work was created by you: registration!

Note that sending an envelope containing your creation to yourself is foolish, as this method has never held up in any court of law anywhere. There are several web sites which will register your work at a pretty reasonable price. One I like is as it's maintained by some experienced lawyers.

In any event, get your stuff registered if you believe it's good enough. There are a LOT of slimey folks in the music biz. I'm not talking about the musicians, but the A&R and promoters, etc. Protect yourself.

Fire, the wheel, and the I IV V -- foundations of civilization.