Okay. it worked in Sonar 2 days before all this started when I laid out a whole song. Closed Sonar down and went to bed. Next day started the "use Real Band, dummy (in my best Fred Sanford impersonation)" conversation so I did. I went in and I THOUGHT followed every tutorial correctly about how to set up the audio properties. Tried the ASIO thing and all of it. After many crashes the driver discussions started, which sent me down the "it worked yesterday" path. Relented and through I would normally be too stubborn to do so I went to M-Audio and checked, and that had a driver dated Dec 2010. Given that I got this computer in June 2011, I already had that driver because I downloaded rather than play with CDs.

This is where the "howevers" start. I had never played with ASIO, MME, M-O-U-S-E.... any of it. I plug the stuff in and it works. Done. All in BIAB. Not RB. Which is a WHOLE new learning curve, and I am not even off the BIAB curve yet.

So yes, the bottom line is that 60 years of macho kept me from listening to people who were earnestly trying to help me and coming off as an arrogant a**h***. (Which I can be when I set my mind to it, but over a bucket of wings at the sports bar watching the Browns lose I will have you laughing the whole day. I used to do stand up comedy, in fact.)

The thing that fixed this was essentially moving it from the USB hub to a computer port, if only to let Windows redetect the thing and give it a new address on the memory bus.

I have since finished the crow dinner party and hope you can all understand that after hours of doing the same thing and expecting different results, the definition of insanity, I wanted to toss the computer, the interface, all 5 keyboards, all three controllers, both drum machines, all 10 guitars, all three saxes, both mixers, the monitors and the effects rack out of this second story window and give up music forever.

Last edited by pgmoderation; 08/04/11 03:48 PM.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.