I was hoping that there would be a quick fix (box to check or uncheck) that would allow me to import from BIAB to RB-but is seems like the software for some odd reason is not doing what it should be doing. Is it something that I am doing wrong?

I was under the impression that files created in BIAB are supposed to be able to be easily imported into Real Band.

I appreciate your help-its just frustrating when the software says it should be able to do something that if it works would save hours of extra work on my part.

If I could figure out the exact time in BIAB where the vocals come in it seems like it should be easy start the vocal when imported into RB at the exact same time.
So even if when imported the vocals don't line up I should be able to adjust the blank space before the vocals begin so that they will line up exactly.

Brand new HP Pav laptop Core i5 2.67 gHz 6 gb ram 500gb 7200rpm hd