
I'm afraid I am literally alone. No family or friends in the area.Making it very,very hard for me. I miss my wife so much.
Thanks forum friends for all the kind words, thoughts & prayers.

I am so sorry to hear that. While my prayers are most certainly with you, it it is at all possible I encourage you to try and make contact with people who might be able to help support you. I don't even want to try to imagine what life without my wife would be like. I do know I'd feel like dying, but this is not what she would want, nor is it what I believe God would want. He has a purpose for me that is not yet complete, just so, I believe He has a purpose for you that is not yet complete.

Here in Australia there is a program called "Men's Shed". It's about making a meeting place where blokes can get together to make stuff, learn how to use hand tools, "chew the fat", have a cuppa and generally make friends, keep each other company and provide emotional support without judgement. Are there such programs near you in the States?

Perhaps there is a local church that you feel comfortable in. Nowhere is perfect, not even a church, 'cos people aren't perfect, but there is usually someone around who will take an interest and simply care.

These things cannot replace your loss, but being with others who have experienced similar devastation in their lives can help. I believe so strongly that you need to have others around you. Your extended, adopted family here on the forum can help, but it isn't the same as someone being there to get you a beer or make you a cuppa when you're low. Or give you a shoulder to cry on.

The temptation is to withdraw into your shell and dwell on your loss. There is a time for this but it should be short lived. Having people around you will help you keep on top of this and prevent the kind of emotional spiral that can take you down.

It will take time, but there is always hope for the future.

You are loved.

--=-- My credo: If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing - just ask my missus, she'll tell ya laugh --=--
You're only paranoid if you're wrong!