Eddie, you wrote: "I can't EQ to save my soul in Real Band, but that is mainly because it isn't real time. If I can move sliders while I listen, I do a much better job. "

This is the root of the entire problem. Offline processing is not easy to use when performing EQ - in fact it's just about useless.

Get a freebie EQ plugin. Save the $200 for the acoustic treatment in your studio.

When you go D/A to the board, outboard effects, etc. and then A/D back in to the computer you WILL introduce noise.

The entire problem is trying to cram a square peg into a round hole with PG's offline processing for EQ.

Here is a link to the freebie classic Kjaerhus series of plugins: http://acoustica1.cachefly.net/other/Classic-Effects-Installer.exe

(There's a fine EQ in there that is real-time)

You can work wonders with those. They are all real-time. None of them will introduce noise like your wiring situation with outboard processing will do.

Also, learn to use the automation envelopes in RB for volume for mixing. With them, you'll find you can mix with more than 10 fingers at a time!

Honestly, I think the reliance upon off-line processing of the PG plugins is really at the root of your frustration; particularly when it comes to EQ. It just doesn't make sense to do it that way - even though offline processing is what comes native in PG products (as far as I know).

My 2 cents which will hopefully save you $200.


Last edited by rockstar_not; 10/24/11 06:47 PM.