
Checked forums- I've noticed that when mixing (MIDI channels using the realband mixer) that track volumes never do "return" to peak loudness (127) when pushed up after lowering volume slider, even though the channel says it's a t 127. EDIT/ADDED Goofed around a bit more and discovered that the MASTER VOLUME in the tool bar seems to have to be at 100% for the individual sliders to return to max. Say I have the MASTER VOLUME (in the toolbar) at 75%. Seems that if the original track volume is above that when the song starts it's O.K. but if you tweak the volume below that of the MASTER, it will not agasin go above the MASTER setting.That does "solve" my issue,but is this a normal function?

Ok, that explains an issue I've always had using Sampletank with RB. Could never figure out why Sampletank instruments would not follow the volume setting I had in the individual RB track if it were set to max; would always kick over to some lesser number in Sampletank once I hit play. Never considered the Master Volume setting; assumed that it would have no effect on sending the track volume setting. Makes sense now, thanks, although I don't think it should function this way.

I also wish PG would make a change so that Master Volume setting would save with the other song settings. I've made a request for this in the wishlist.


BIAB/RB 2018 PlusPak. Dell Inspiron23 running Win10, 12GB RAM, 2.5GHz i7, Presonus AudioBox USB interface.