Hehe ... great thread!

I've been an IT-pro for 20 years and believe me I've seen and heard things along the way, that I wish I had written down as they occured, as that could make a great book, possibly even contribute with a little pension-boost.

One of my favorites is when I was assigned to upgrade an entire office from old dumb-terminal mainframe based equipment to a pc-based network solution (Novell Netware 3.12 anyone ? ;-). I immediately noticed this elderly, grumpy looking woman at the very back of the office - she was obviously NOT in favor of this change - so I approached her carefully, leaving her alone for the first couple of days, but finally I had to confront her. She then looked me in the eyes with a VERY firm expression on her face and confided, that she didn't wan't a pc because she had heard, that with a pc comes a mouse and she was VERY affraid of mice, so she wouldn't have any of it ;-)

I actually managed NOT to even smile and explained the whole thing calmly to her. She was releived and in the end we became great friends and she was one of the fastest in the office to adopt the new technology !

True story and fun to look back on :-)


Last edited by SteelPlayer; 11/05/11 08:59 AM.