"Just wanted to thank those of you who have been so helpful since the time I've been bumping around this site. It's greatly appreciated. Too many names to name. Hoping maybe I can find a similar site that's devoted to the music that I'm interested in ( jazz, blues, fusion) and like minded mindsets, so to speak." "Onward to the search for talented musicians. Thanks again, guys. It's been mostly a great experience."

Silvertones, I really don't think Swanny means that this whole forum is beneath him - at least that's not how it strikes me at all - he's thanking everyone and saying goodbye, and explaining the reasons for his future absence.

He probably hasn't posted a reply because that was his farewell note - he hasn't been back to read these, maybe?

Heated debates. Lots of people took part - Did anyone else receive any PM flames?

Last edited by Mel Maguire; 02/12/09 06:37 AM.