This problem happens with some songs, not others. I can't figure out why. When I copy a chorus section with melody and lyrics in an unfolded song to a later part of the song and insert bars at destination, I get a window with the question: "There are existing melody notes/lyrics in the region that you are copying the melody to. Would you like to delete them?" Whether I answer yes, the "Copy From ...To" copies the melody to the new bars, but leaves the chords and lyrics blank. Also, why would it ask me if I want to delete existing melody notes and lyrics where I'm copying to when I select the option to paste to newly inserted bars?
To make it really complicated, if you answer the question-- "No, don't delete the melody notes or lyrics" then it doubles the words in the from location so you end up with a jumbled up mess for lyrics, but no lyrics in the to location.
If this doesn't happen to you, keep trying other songs. You will stumble on this if you write a lot of lyrics with Band in a Box. I called support about this a couple of versions ago and sent them my song example--- I got no resolution to this.
Please fix this. It will take some time to isolate the problem. I certainly can't figure out what's going on.

--- Jim

Band in a Box 2024 build 1111, Studio One 6.61, AMD 3900X, 32gb ram, Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64 bit, Behringer U-Phoria UMC1820, Yamaha CP33, TriplePlay midi controller