
pat, it was ewe that started me t'contemplating the idea of teaching it t'sing fer me! i love a challenge. woodin it be lovely? (nice song title) croaking with a $16,000.00 dynavox maestro? might make the tabloids. but, seriously, the dynavox rep, after learning that i use it in my door-to-door ministry, wants to do a "success story" on me and take me on visits to other veterans' hospitals. just think if i COULD sing with it!?

Don, if anybody could generate a success story for this product it will be you! You have the positive attitude, the clearly defined goal, the talent and the time to make just about any miracle happen!

Of course you can sing with it! Even if you use melodyne or similar product to add pitch to the words, it is totally doable... and you're just the guy to do it!

Keep us posted!