Any footswitch that is programmable to allow you to send complex key operations should work. I'd pick one in particular you think would work and ask here.

Believe it or not many people here are more lucid than I, and have far greater intellect. Many of them have forgotten more than I even knew I knew I think.

Once you get good at this you'll notice a bunch of people acknowledge your greatness with the genius border on god comment of

+1 to what He said.

As you scored a touchdown you can celebrate or do the new normal, give thanks.

If Ra is listening I want a hot summer. I'd tell you the origins of cheering are Egyptians yelling Ra e Ra e, but you'd recognize that as merde de buffle or merde de Buabalus bubalis.
In English that's el toro poo poo! So, forget it and just find a foot switch at a good price, reiterate (big wurd alert) your objective, and wait for the enlightenment to take place. The last one was tedious to get going, so I'll say something oblique to get the posters tripping over each other to contradict me.

John Conley
Musica est vita