By the way, I would recommend that all musicians using an IOS device get GarageBand.

As an Apple product, I thought previously that it came with IOS, but it doesn't. It only costs $4.99 though, and is worth it.

Although not geared towards pro musicians specifically, there is much in it that a pro would find interesting, and perhaps usable in some way. It take some experimentation to find out all its capabilities. It is certainly better than a large percentage of music apps out there.

It is a large download, almost 1GB. (One download/purchase will work for both Ipad and Iphone/Itouch.) I assume most of that download are the samples. It doesn't have a lot of instruments, but those it has are quite high quality in sound for IOS. Some real cool loops as well.

It includes a cool sampler. Record yourself singing one note with it, then play your voice (or anything else) all over the keyboard.

One limitation that I hope they overcome- although I think it can export to audio, I don't think there is any way to import or export MIDI, although the program clearly involves MIDI as well as audio, no way currently to export the MIDI for further work on the desktop./