
Hi. As I noted in my last post I AM able to record in RealBand, I just ASSUMED it wasn't recording because nothing would show (like a wave) on the track during the actually recording as I was testing the mic. However, the vocals and wave WERE both there during playback. (I thought I had no reason to play the thing back as I thought it didn't record. ) So all was well, except ME.

Anyhow, I knew where those 6 buttons were there but usually used the "Gear View". As far as the presets go, I always selected one but from the button directly above the Line 6 logo. Seems that those are the same "presets" that appear in the "Preset View". Hope they are one and the same.

Anyhow, I have printed out most the manual for POD Farm and will get to it soon (I dislike reading manuals online). There are tons of things to learn but I know that actually DOING things is sometimes best. (Well, at least until I get stumped. )
