Yeah, I've got to agree on the comment on the Prosonus. Yes, it's an A/D converter, and it's also a D/A converter and mixer, but no, it doesn't use the onboard sound chip. Nor is the processing done on that chip. This guy apparently doesn't know what he's doing, at least as far as your sound device goes, and that, to me, isn't something that I would trust.

How is he monitoring this noise? What I'm asking is does he have a pair of monitors plugged into the Main Outs of the Prosonus, or at least into the headphone out? Does the Prosonus have some sort of software monitoring and mixer application, and is that set correctly?

If he's changed out everything that he says he has, I'm pretty sure it's not the case. MIGHT be the power supply, but I'm sure it's not the case. Well, I'll put one exception on that. If the case has USB connections, and he didn't disconnect them, and one of them is bad, it's possible that it's messing up the USB buss, but one of the first things I would have done would have been to disconnect the case USB connectors and run just from the mainboard.

I hope you guys can figure this out.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!