I'm not in south Florida ...yet soon I hope.

Hey Bob ,
Good points on RB functionality . And I'll stipulate equivalent audio quality.
The features I like in SONAR are mostly workflow
Keybinding is nice...make ur custom short cuts.. for example,I have s toggling the snap on & off, and the number keys setting snap resolution.
Another is track folders...I group the individual drum voices into a folder...matter of fact the "add new VSTI instance" dialog offers to do it for u.
Track sub groups are nice while on the subject of grouping . Later.in mixing I group tracks and attach em to a single fader its different than locking all tracks to a group because the sub lets u change members of the sub without detatching from the group and reattaching after tweak.
I like loop efx....generic verb on a send rather than every track withits own instance (RB may well do that...dunno )
I like assigning double click to a view...midi double opens eventlist sometimes and other times I set it to piano roll.
I like dockable windows and a single key to open and close the dock
The envelope editing by clips or tracks is nice too...I don't see where I can select clips with a click in RB either.

You're right...long time SONAR use has bred familiarity ,but that aside I think many of my quirks of flow are SONAR-only.