Well, let me answer this way. I am still learning it, but so far it does everything but make coffee. I haven't looked into that since I don't drink coffee, but I am sure there's a MIDI parameter for that.....

This thing has a lot of knobs and they are assignable in banks of 4, so 8 buttons gives you 32 parameters you can program. Now that everything up there is arranged again I will dig into this thing. I don't really see a way of introducing anything analog though. This is strictly digital. The back panel has MIDI in, out and thru, and 1/4" jacks for a MIDI control pedal and an on/off. Nothing analog.

Part of the studio redo included some physical stuff as well as logical. I bought a server rack to mount everything analog in, and did some treatment to my south window. It occurred to me that the south window gets sun from about 11am until about 6:30pm. Most of that time window is when the sun is at it's hottest. Physics says that the sun was heating up the 2nd floor to 90 degrees all summer. I took some old pieces of drywall yesterday and covered one side with aluminum foil. I put that in that 4x4 window yesterday about 5, too late to do much yesterday. However, I was just up there for about 3 hours and the difference in the temps up there by reflecting that sunlight instead of letting it in.... How is it these things that most of the population already knows have escaped me for all these years? In researching window films, I can across an article and some guy did this foil thing and said it worked. It does.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.