Nice work, as usual. Good vocals, nice harmonies, interesting things happening in the arrangement.

In my headphones, the bass sounds too aggressive. On my monitor, it sounds more balanced. Go figure.

There's a bit of a hiccup at 1:19 when the bass comes back in, as if it hit one beat too soon. The bass is much louder here - maybe you want to ease that transition a bit.

I don't know if it's me or the mix, but I have a lot of trouble making out the lyrics. The soft "southern" vowels combined with the quiet vocals make it a challenge for me to make some parts out. For example:

"And when you reel it in"

is sung wonderfully, but gets buried. In:

"But I'm still dancing on the breeze"

the word "breeze" is really hard to make out - I can hear the "br" at the beginning, but I'm only guessing the rest of the word by rhyming it. I also can't make out the lyric that follows:

"That makes my...."

I know I'm hearing these lyrics wrong:

"Instead of a card with great big letters
I wrote you this little song
You came home in your heart forever
And you'll never hide
Never belong"

But that's not a big deal, because the feeling of the song comes through, which is the most important part.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?