I think that was not your point, since you only mentioned it was sampling, which it is not. It has links, but it is a different approach. And you mentioned envelope issues, which are not part of the idea I tried to explain.

But then to get into your new argument I would say this: first of all I did not say it was possible in practice. I am sure in theory it should be. And then, I said: wouldn't it be lovely? Implying that this is more or less a kind of dreaming idea. I never said anywhere that this would be realised the next BiaB version or what so ever.

My point is that development will not stop here. My now still unlikely dream, might be fulfilled one day, one never knows. If you would have told my grandpa that we would land on the moon or have computers he would not believe it and say it would be impossible. If we had to believe the old systembuilders from the first computers, the limits of a computer's power would allready have been reached in the 80's. So to me nothing is impossible. Yes it would be a lot of data, not so much in size necessarily, since we always got compression and that also still develops (FLAC e.g.) in quality, but more in the work that would be in it. But well, if you see the realtracks now, they are also very limited in variation and we all seem to be pretty happy with it. A note can be played in many, many variations, but you don't need to cover all possibilities at once. As I said it is a development and we all are happy when we go forward, eventhough the methods are still limited to certain boundaries. (like realtracks are also very limited in their usage compared to all possible variations in music).

I'll be back...