As I look back over 2012, I remember...

Ian Fraser's frequent and good-hearted participation, and the shock we all experienced when the announcement was made that he had died. Though I never met him, I counted him as a kindred spirit.

Although Ray Thigpen passed away in 2011, his contribution to the forum was so profound that his posts and tutorials continued to show up in 2012. Ray and Ian, we miss you.

The off-topic forum frequently got sprinkled with stories of personal tragedy, hardship, natural disaster, illness and even the death of loved ones. It has been a source of amazement to me that a group of people who will probably never lay eyes on one another could band together so naturally to offer encouragement and words of kindness. Thanks to all who encouraged me when my wife died in August 2012. I'm sure that others who received kind words from the forum feel the same way.

Every now and then somebody shows up with a chip on his shoulder, mad at the world for whatever presumed injustices. This usually manifests as an intent to disrupt the group's harmony and good will. I marvel at how this group manages to absorb strangers into the fold, making them feel welcome and encouraging them musically.

And on the rare occasion when the disruptive newbie refuses to be won over, it is interesting to see the group steadfastly and calmly enforce the rules. Order is a choice, never an accident.

The User showcase has also been amazing in 2012. This is one of the few forums I've found where music is critiqued kindly. Most places turn into a bash-fest where only the most skilled pros dare to post their work. Here, newbies and pros alike post their songs, and get the most gentle form of honesty I've ever seen online. I hope it stays that way.

PGMusic once again delivered some totally unanticipated new goodies, along with responding to multiple user wishlist items. I thank Peter Gannon and his entire group for making such fascinating products available, and for providing these forums where we can talk about them! I can honestly say that my life is more interesting and fun because of PGMusic's products. Version 2012.5 was released the day my wife died. For weeks, the only thing I looked forward to was the time after all the smoke cleared and I would have time to explore v. 2012.5. That time never came, but the importance of having something to look forward to can't be understated.

Having said all that, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year from the piedmont region of North Carolina USA
