In the good old days I would show up for the gig abut 10 minutes before the 1st tune count-in, and in one motion I would pass by the bar throw down a shot of Jack, step on stage, do a quick tune check and count the 1st tune off.

Now I get to the gig at least one hour early. Take my time setting up my equipment, tune my guitar and do a sound check. Then it is off to the restroom to freshen up, run some warm water over my chord hand to loosen it up the arthritis, gargle, clear my sinus, wash out my eyes, clean my glasses, change clothes, grab a bottle of water, step on stage, check that all systems are go . . . . realize that I forgot to zip my pants, take care of that very discretely behind my music stand, welcome my audience and one ana two ana . . . etc. Just like the old days!
