Annoying issue with Hi-Q tracks, well actually just one. Even when first opening BIAB I keep getting a little yellow pop-up that says:

"D:\music\bb\DX Settings\Hi-Q 001 01 Piano, Acoustic Mellow Grand sampeltank.tgs does not exist, cannot install to track: Drums"

1- Duh? This is new behavior (I've been playing with and around with multiple VSTis in last day and this is recent so I figured it was something I set or configured badly. So next I,

2- confirmed that the file does exist and where it's looking for it (I've double checked spelling, spacing, etc.) and I can SELECT in the a Hi-Q selections in Mixer, and elsewhere it LOADS and plays fine.

3. I've not only done a reset to factory settings (all), I've also reinstalled the HI-Q instruments, AND the complete BIAB 2013 install file (before latest update -366 build ) but same issue.

Again it is more annoying than anything else but it IS annoying! When I start BIAB or try to load a song (like some of the Demos) that have a HI-q or super MIDI piano tracks.

Any ideas??

Thanks in advance

Update: re-checking my re-check the "…Mellow Grand...tgs" is really and ONLY "Hi-Q 001 02…" (not Hi-Q 001 01). So not sure if somehow I lost variation 1 (assuming there is a variation 1 of Mellow Grand) or what. Why is BIAB all of sudden looking for a non-existent Piano Hi_Q instrument? And worse why is it trying to assign it to "drums"

Still looking suggestions/help/confirmation?


Win10Pro,i9,64GB,2TBSSD+20TBHDDs,1080TI,BIAB'24,Scarlett18i8,Montage7,Fusion 8HD,QS8,Integra7,XV5080,QSR,SC-8850,SPLAT,FL21&others,Komp.14,IK suite&others, just a guitar player-AXE FX III &FM9T, FishmanTP, MIDIGuitar2, GK2/3'sw/GI20