“Why would someone who claims to know so much quote the mics and pickup used in a studio recording scenario when the subject is Live Performance amplification?”

I never claimed to know 'so much', professor. You are the one who always claims to know so much, not I. I've only been playing guitar on stages for over 40 years.
Oh, I forgot - “copyright” restrictions. Right.
As they say in Texas – all hat- no cattle.

Tommy uses the Direct Out from his Compact 60, which, according to the manual, is:
“DI-out Balanced preamp output, pre master, post EQ,
with return and effects. XLR socket” (www.aer-amps.com )

Now, professor, why doesn't he just plug that puppy right into a DI to the “FOH (that means, "Front Of House" -- the fullrange PA)” - (thanks for that – I didn't know that bit of arcane SR terminology)? Why bother with an amp at all? After all, he has the “fullrange PA”, right?

Because an A/E through a direct box into a PA – not a Meyer array, but the average small gig PA – sounds like crap. That's a fact, Jack.

The OP was looking at a $250 amp to play small venues, not a $1100 amp, a $429 Pocket Tool, a $300K Meyer array and a pro SE to run the system.

Oh... the “hilarious” part:

“EQ -- Try setting the Bass to 1 o'clock, the Mid to about 9 o'clock and the Treble to 1 o'clock or higher. Boosted Lows, Cut Mids and Boosted Highs can help emulate a full range system.”

That still gives me a chuckle.