Originally Posted By: Mac
Well, at least its not the Millennium edition...

Count yer blessings.


Exactly !! I thought it rude to be slammed for "bashing" Microsoft when pointing out that not every upgrade they deliver hits it out of the park. Sure, there have to be some incremental improvements, or they wouldn't be releasing it, but anyone withe a historical perspective (going back to Windows 3.0 or earlier) realizes skipping certain versions is wider that installing every new thing that comes down the pike assuming the larger integer in the name is somehow "better."

Jan - 12 Core AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
Win 10 64-bit
Samsung m.2 SSD Boot drive,other SSD internal and USB drives.
Ketron SD4,SD1000
Yamaha RX-v381amp
VB-Audio virtual cables