Hi Janice and Bud,

The minute Janice started singing, one word popped into my head and didn't leave until the song ended.

I have to say that the two of you are an outstanding partnership. With Janice's sublime singing and Bud's artistry with production, your songs are aural ambrosia. This one is no exception!

Now for the criticisms ...

What this about "Song structure meister"???????? LOLOLOL!!!! I'd like to go ROTFLMAO but my less than youthful joints no longer let me do that so I'll just have to settle for a hearty chuckle with a few LOLs. You know, I really didn't do that much to help you get a great song. It was already shiningly excellent when I listened to it!

All the best,

P.S. Sorry I'm so very late to get to this one. Life's been pulling me hither and thither for the last couple of weeks smile

Last edited by Noel96; 08/25/13 04:04 AM.

Audiophile BIAB 2024