
Sounds reasonable Gary, but it also sounds to me like the AGP NVIDIA card is not installed. If he reinstalls it using the latest NVIDIA Geforce driver software package for that card from


he may be able to get the card nailed down better. This board and bios may be so old though that the bios itself may need a flash update of the bios to be able to even recognize an AGP type card in the first place. If it's an AWARD bios he can get that at the Award web site. I think he's still got the bios divvying up ram for the on board video chip, and that Mac is trying to get him to reset the bios to either not allocate any ram to the video chip or turn it off. In any event you'd probably agree that his system would be better off without the CPU and RAM doing any video processing when all that could be done by the GeForce AGP card, right?

I did update the Nvidia card as I have done before to version 7x.xx (I could look it up, I just don't care any more). It seems to work fine.

I downloaded and ran, or attempted to run, the Flash utility. It doesn't recognize anything, even though it is said to be specific to my mobo. (It is clearly quite generic.) When I run the default routine, it says, "CHIPSET/FLASH PART ISN'T AVAILABLE. THE FUNCTION WILL BE INVALID." And so it is. The utility gives me lists and lists of numbers to choose from, none of which I understand or care to investigate. I'm good, but I'm just losing interest.

I can't make any of my music-creation programs talk to each other. I once recorded a bit of a CD into Nuendo. Wow. And before I actually needed to, I was able to link Reason with Nuendo via ReWire. It hasn't happened since. RealBand is, to me, quirky and unpredictable. I finally printed the manual and maybe that will change. I am still able to create things I like in BIAB--but I can't do anything with them, because I can't figure out how to record Reason, which is where I send things after I'm through with them in BIAB, into a DAW. I feel like an idiot--I even have the Dummies' Guide to prove it--and I am about to give up.

It can't be this hard. There are people here who are much less technically adept than I who are doing wonderful things. Although there have been difficulties, it isn't the machine. I READ THE FREAKIN MANUALS, most of which are opaque, incomplete, or assume vast knowledge of the arcane. I can make BIAB and Reason tap dance; I just can't DO anything with the results.

I want to take music from BIAB and/or Reason, put it into a DAW and record guitars and maybe some voice. Is that so freakin much to ask?


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."