Originally Posted By: Noel96

Regarding (a), that's very strange behaviour. Are the files available to load manually from the "Band In A Box" subfolder under the "program files\IK Multimedia\Instruments" folder?

Also, what directory do you have BIAB installed to on you laptop?

Regarding (b), it sounds as though ST was installed in the "Default" rather than the "Piano" position. It's not a problem. It does mean, though, that if you have other midi tracks, you probably won't hear them because anything in the "Default" position works for all tracks and in ST, it's necessary to assign instruments to each track. (That's why I put Coyote WT on the default track.)

Just to confirm, when you monitored the volume was that in ST or Coyote WT?


My BIAB is installed in d:\bb

Regarding a) - Yes, all of the Hi-Q files can be found in Windows Explorer in the Program files(x86)\IK Multimedia\Instruments\Band-in-a-Box subfolder. Each Hi-Q file is 776Kb, is that correct? However, these files are all directly in the Band-in-a-Box subfolder. That subfolder also contains other subfolders (ie - Bass, Drums, Guitar, Piano, etc....) Should the Hi-Q files be distributed among those subfolders instead? Currently, those subfolders folders contain STIP, STH,STI and STW files.

WhenI monitored the volume, I was in ST, not Coyote.


Kawai VPC1 MIDI Controller; Asus A53E Laptop running Windows 7 - 64 bit; BIAB 2017 UltraPlusPak (upgraded from 2014 EverythingPak), running from Laptop's Hard Drive.