Originally Posted By: PaulH
Hey chulaivet1966

Good advise, thanks. I wish forums had a "like" button like facebook!

One question, when you say "When doing your first mix listen through the monitors at a very low volume" do you mean the ones I'll end up buying or do you mean through the hifi speakers I already have in place?

ALL speakers!

X2 if using headphones.

Paul, looks to me like you already have a perfectly good set of small fullrange speakers on your mixing desk.

No need to buy some.

All I'd recommend is that you place those two monitors such that they are both level w/your ears when seated at thw workstation, facing forward (not turning one in like that) and such that the two speakers and the top center of your head form a measured equilateral triangle.

Save your money about speakers. What you've got are very likely better than all but the topshelf of recording-purposed nearfields - and might just best a few of those as well!
