I will have to see about setting up a compressor as a gate. I will have to find out more about it. Seems simple enough. I have to see how it is done. Learn about the functionality of a gate. I guess I have all these capabilities within my three iZotope studio plugins. I could probably accomplish this. Once I can suppress some of the breathing my recordings will sound much better. That is just one thing to bring me up to a more quality sounding recording. I will see if I can figure out a gate setup thanks. Not to mention I guess I can only have so many plugins on one track in RealBand right? I don't know how I can hook up this compressor as a gate also. But I will see what I can do. Last night I tried adding that de-breath iZotope plugin to the vocal track. That made it 4 plugins. But when I played it back the vocal track was off. It was somehow starting late. Maybe 2 seconds late. Like all the plugins slowed it down. Some processing. And pushed it all to the left. I think I posted on that. I still have to check and see what anybody said. At any rate this compressor gate situation could be better than this de-breath plugin.