Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
...Maybe the De-Breath is just the catalyst, especially as the reboot resolves?

Likely to be involved with how that "De-Breath" has to do its job.

It cannot remove a Sibilance *before it happens* - therefore it has to let the buffer fill with what you sang, then use cpu cycles to analyze that, then apply itself for that area, then repeat the same process over and over again. Ugh.

On top of that, it can likely handle an area where there is ONE sibilance, but another area where the singer has to articulate a lollapalooza of Sibilance-making sounds will really put the poor thing into a time consuming stew.

And then there is the resource-handling issue in the plugin's coding to consider as well. When Reboots tend to "fix" problems such as this one, and I think you've mentioned that a Reboot does tend to do that, it is usually a sign of that Resource problem, typically a RAM refresh routine that can't do the job well enough to keep on truckin' in realtime.

I still think that Sly would LOVE the Presonus VSL for its built in near-zero latency monitoring effects, they use their own proprietary methods to achieve that and over here at my end, Singers especially love using this thing and for that reason. I can choose to record them DRY to the DAW while feeding them a monitor feed to the cans that has dialed in reverb and a few other choice things. Being able to hear the Reverb at least like that can make a big difference for an accomplished singer's tracking, for one thing, they won't be singing overtop of what would become their own Reverb tails.

There's also a way to trick the Presonus VSL and certain DAWS such that one can record BOTH the monitor mix with built in realtime effects AND a dry track as well. Best of both worlds "in the can" all at once, and I've been able to simply just use the WET feed from the monitor mix in the actual recording, no fuss no muss with Plugins whatsoever. That is way cool.

Those who are interested but maybe not quite understanding what I've said above, especially the part about the proprietary method that gets the speed needed out of the USB port on the computer, should visit the Presonus website and read up on how this thing is accomplished.

And the sound of the thing is top shelf from preamps to output and back again.
