Zero latency sounds good, in theory, but not possible. There will always be a latency, even in the zero latency settings. It's very possible to get it so low that it's essentially non existent.

My system is such a system.

The computer specs, while important, are not the determining factor in how much latency you experience.

The factors that matter most are the sound card or interface itself and the driver mode it uses.

What DAW are you using? I use Sonar and it records the incoming audio direct to the track. All the FX in the track and bus fx bins are applied only to the outgoing sound, never the incoming. Sonar does this by default as most DAW's should as well. So I really doubt, unless you specifically set it up to be on the incoming sound, that you are recording the FX to the track.

A way to check that is to record as usual. Now, simply shut off (bypass) the FX. solo the track and hit play. IF the fx are being recorded going in, you will hear the reverb and everything else on that track..... but, if the track is dry.... you are not recording the FX in real time going in, they are being applied to the output of the track. I suspect you will find the fx are on the output side of the track. That would explain why there is delay.

Also, looking at the tracks in track view, does the audio vocal wave appear to be properly lined up? If so, it was recorded with no latency. Since it sounds delayed coming out.... the latency is happening after the recording on the playback.

Last test is to select all the tracks and do a project EXPORT. Listen to the exported mix. Since the export does NOT occur in real time, the mix process takes as long as it needs, if the vocals are now in sync properly, bingo... it's happening on the output side.

Go and buy a dedicated USB interface running native ASIO drivers and the problem should be solved. However, no matter how good the gear, if you try hard enough, you can always find ways to choke up the process.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.