“A book published in 2001.

About a subject that took place in the 60's.”

What's your point? They're still writing books about Lincoln. He's been dead for 149 years.

To quote the publisher on the author:

“He is a staff consultant to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and consultant to major auction houses in London and New York. Babiuk is the foremost authority on the equipment used to create the Beatles' music. Andy perceived the need for a book about The Beatles' gear when he tried to emulate some of their recorded sounds for his own band, The Chesterfield Kings. Andy then embarked on six years of research for Beatles Gear, during which time he interviewed over 400 people who worked with or were closely associated with The Beatles, listened to hundreds of recordings, watched miles of film, and amassed a vast library of documents and photographic evidence of The Beatles using their instruments and equipment. The result is this most detailed account of The Beatles and the tools that they used, on-stage and in the studio.”

I found it a very comprehensive look at the gear the Beatles used on stage and in the studio, but then I actually read the book.

“As for Vox amps made in USA, surely you must know that the parent company was British.”

Quite rightly; but the amps they played on tour in the USA were made at the American Vox factory.
You neglected to comment on the Hofner, Rickenbacker, Fender, Gibson, Epiphone, Hohner,Telefunken gear they used. None of them are British companies.

“Notice that up above I said that there were those who copied what the Marshall Plan put forth, it is part and parcel of business history that success gets copied. And copied.”

I wasn't aware that Brian Epstein was 'copying' the Marshall Plan. Very edifying, albeit bizarre.

“Look, it is no big secret, we had the likes of Motown, Wrecking Crew, etc. and Britain followed suit.”

“As for being told what to use, the history of endorsement contracting in the music industry is as old as the instruments themselves and continues to this very day.

Again I say that this is not a bug, its a feature, part and parcel of good business practice IMO.

Frank Zappa is one who laid it all out in writing, a really good read IMO.

Speaking of FZ and Beatles, check this out about what took place the one time John and Yoko appeared with The Mothers - and the rather low thing John and Yoko pulled by releasing an album of it afterwards, in which the two claimed the songwriting credits”

And that is germane to the subject....somehow?

Since we're way out here in Left Field, I did happen to attend one of the Mother's debut concerts at the Cafe au Go Go in the Village. Great shows.