G'day Glenn,
well put mate. All areas of human endeavour has it's:
a) Zealots
b) True believers
c) Followers
d) Hangers' on
e) Uninterested
f) Detractors
g) Violently opposed
and all kinds of levels in between. Sadly, the loudest ones are usually also the least knowledgeable and/or the ones so one eyed they can't be honest about the errors or truths depending whether they are a supporter or detractor.

It's a sad reality that too much emotional involvement will always get in the way of objective truth.

G'day Sam,
I understand Monika'a dilemma - I too have been involved in statistical analysis as part of my profession. And hated it every time my results were deliberately misrepresented in order for some "executive" to make a point. Now I'm in my own business at least I can direct the quality of the information gathered. My staff know I won't tolerate adulterated data. (or office politics! That's a very quick way to get sacked in my company!)

The real problem we in the general populace have is that we have no idea how the statistics we are presented with have been manipulated. Anyone with an agenda to push will be tempted to lie. Sadly, some succumb, and statistical presentations are an easy way to do this.

--=-- My credo: If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing - just ask my missus, she'll tell ya laugh --=--
You're only paranoid if you're wrong!