Realband is like that, things that work in every other DAW don't in RB and common things in other DAWs are not in RB.
It is a shame because it is awesome in what it can do, but the interface is so Junior School and behind the times.

Here's an ASIO DirectX you can try

Register 32 bit
copy asiodxfd.dll file to C:\Windows\System32

goto C:\Windows\System32 click on cmd.exe

at prompt type RegSvr32 asiodxfd.dll

Register 64bit
copy asiodxfd.dll file to C:\Windows\SysWOW64

goto C:\Windows\SysWOW64 right click on cmd.exe run as admin

at prompt type RegSvr32 asiodxfd.dll

You can change Buffer size for delay, just click on it change, hit enter.