Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
You'll forget all about us after you become rich and famous! wink

One thing for certain, Bobert, I'll never forget ole what's his face!

Nina is a very down to Earth lady, as are most other musicians. Some even realize who's putting food on their table. I was about to link you to her fab guitar work thinking you'd enjoy her picking.

It was my association with the late Mike Auldridge that drew me to Nina. On Kate Wolf's "China Or A Woman's Heart" I recognized Mike Auldridge's Dobro technique so asked Nina to ID the player. She confirmed it to be Mike so she emailed to compliment my "fabulous ears!"

Told her about the very loving gesture that Mike performed for the late BBer, Howard Tate. Mike had recorded a few tracks for Howard that Howard treasured to the end.

Mike was class act!