This topic can get confusing ..
If screen size goes up (and resolution stays the same) things look larger, but sometimes they look more grainy.

If resolution goes up (and screen size stays the same) things can look smaller ..

A lot of this depends on the implementation of the programming. With PGProducts it has been pretty cut and dried (read predictable here). Pixels are pixels.

It's always a trade-off; you may want to see 'more VSTs' on the screen (doesn't matter if they are any bigger) .. or you may want the VSTs to appear larger (this is much different).

This is why I avoid such topics normally. The described need/desire can be misleading. Plus the results may vary, depending on the combination of the above and the available drivers.
Some have trouble deciphering the difference.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome