Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
Hi Cyo,

MacBook Air is a great choice for BiaB. For starters, the Mac BiaB program boots up in 5 seconds - compare that to about 20 seconds on Windows. That speed carries over to everything, generating songs etc. We have MacBook Airs in development, and use them as our working machines.

One useful thing to check out your PC's readiness for BiaB, is to run a geekbench on it. (free) http://www.primatelabs.com/geekbench/

You'd want a Geekbench score of at least 1,500 to run Biab comfortably. The higher number the better, Most MacBook Airs are going to be around 5,000 or better, so its obviously fast enough to run BiaB! FWIW, I program BiaB Mac on a 5 year old MacBook Pro with a Geekbench of 3,000.

Thank you Peter. it is a shame that I have to bin my PC BiB apps, especially with all the work I have done, has anyone reflected on this?
Kind regards,