Good points Guitarhacker and you are right a person should hang out in other forums too and not be posting only on the showcase forum.

I haven't a clue who FJ is as stated by Sundance but when she states that

"It's about what FJ calls "dumping" and that describes the practice pretty well. Many who do it probably won't even read this but on the off chance here goes.

If you're going to post on the Users Showcase then listen and comment on someone else's song too.

It reeks of ego and rudeness to expect other people to give their time listening and commenting on your songs when you don't bother. We ALL are busy. We ALL want feedback on our posts. What if everyone on here posted our songs without listening and commenting on anyone else's..... really.......think about that."

When I see a song in the showcase forum (when I do have the time to visit) the thought never occurred to me that, that person might be "Dumping" the song there, Seems there is a lot of stuff going on in the forums that I must be too naive to cop onto.
