I think when Lennon died in 1980, a piece of his spirit jumped into your body
Oh if only that WAS true. He and George were my fab Beatles!

I record my vocal flat (no fx), no effects apart from a noise gate. With either a foam mic cover, on my Rode NT2 or a home made pop shield (ladies tights over a bent metal coat hanger)Using Line Port DiG Toneport. Sometimes also holding a pencil upright between me and the mic to "break up the plosives" Mic is positioned so my head "points up" a bit as I heard somewhere that this helps to sing in tune and I need all the help I can get LOL.
Then to mix the vox I lightly compress using the Classic free compressor, then a slap plate echo, in the Line 6 VST, with early reflections adjusted for a semi live feel. Then maybe a small bit of 1/8 or 1/16 repeat echo.
I always reduce the few lower frequencies my voice has with the eg in my DAW Cubase SX
I never use autotune, GSnap in my case, on my main vox but may, very infrequently, use it on the backing vocals.
Hope this helps

thanks for listening
