
Thx for compliment but I'm not even by half the best MIDI person here.


No your issue has nothing to do with 64 bit or TTS-1 missing from x86 folder - TTS-1 is a 32 bit app. DXI's are DirectX plugins and are all 32 bit.

Unlike VSTi's which do not have a "central" repository in the system registry, DXI's do. While there are multiple references for all VSTi's and DXi's throughout the registry there is ONE central location that all applications, e.g., Sonar, BIAB, RB, Reaper, … look to find installed DXi's - that is NOT true for VSTi's.

DXI's are ALL listed in the registry under: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MfxSoftSynths\

BTW PLEASE stay out of the system registry if you have no idea what you are doing, you can and probably will muck up your PC or installed applications.

You can tell BIAB, RB, SONAR, etc. where to find VST's and VSTi's individually if those host applications don’t find them in the usual VST places and/or you can add additional "paths" to re-scan or re-scan at program start-up (like in Sonar); however, that is NOT true for DX/DXI's.

As far as I know all host apps look to that ONE specific system registry location to find all installed DXI's and that's the ONLY place a host app looks when it starts.

Look in your BIAB directory (C:\bb or where ever) for a file called "DXiPluginList.ini" it's built each time BIAB starts (check it's date/time stamp). If you don’t see an entry like this

"Cakewalk TTS-1={… " with a bunch of hexadecimal address/index codes in between the braces {}, then BIAB didn't see it and won’t list it as a DXi for you - in that case you might have to re-install TTS-1.

good luck

Win10Pro,i9,64GB,2TBSSD+20TBHDDs,1080TI,BIAB'24,Scarlett18i8,Montage7,Fusion 8HD,QS8,Integra7,XV5080,QSR,SC-8850,SPLAT,FL21&others,Komp.14,IK suite&others, just a guitar player-AXE FX III &FM9T, FishmanTP, MIDIGuitar2, GK2/3'sw/GI20