Z, you are right about that stuff. I love PG, and all their stuff. I do wish it was all i needed. I would love to put all my money in one basket. I currently upgrade BiaB and Studio one each year. The later because i still need some features that RB does not excel at or have. I differ from your opinion in that i don't care about GUI nearly as much as features. I can say i see your point that a less cluttered GUI and more modern Windows environment would make things easier at times.

I see on many forums that GUI is the rage, at reaper everyone wants to skin the system. In the end it looks cool, but is just that looks, not function. Both Studio one, and Reaper are big on custom setups, that is nice, but i worry if major GUI, and function changes would make it even more unstable. Look at what has gone on over at sonar.

I would love to see the system be stabilized, and the long term broken features fixed, and then once it is a well "Solidrock" then rework the looks and add cool feature sets.

I also agree that Jbridge is not the answer, if you are going to go 64 bit go 64 bit. have a 32 bit program that can access a 64 VSTi on a 64 bit computer seems kind of weak to me. But maybe this is step one. We all know the programs have some old vintage code, and as function rich and deep as BiaB is, and by extension RB. These things are not going to change over night. Until then i will upgrade two systems, and go as far with one as i can, then jump ship.

You guys bring up some interesting and thought provoking ideas and dialog. it is fun and interesting to read. Keep it up. SR, don't get frustrated, i think your observations are valuable.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.