Hi Darren, I have a similar problem with Real Band 2014.6 and 2014.7 If I create a song within realband I can save it and modify it with no problems. If I create a song in Biab and then open it in Realband, it opens fine but if I try to save it as a song.SEQ file it gives me 'Access Denied Violation'. I found if I rename the file like 'song1.seq' it saves ok. Anytime I reopen the file and try to save it, I have to rename the file. Really is a pain in the you know what. Renaming the file might be a crude work around for you until the problem is figured out.

Edit: This post should have said 'Access Violation' instead of 'Access Denied' my mistake.

Last edited by Del; 12/27/14 03:54 PM.
