I wish you had posted the lyrics Charlie, because what I could make out sounded really clever! Before a lot of people post, maybe you would want to do that.

I like the concept and title quite a bit. "CHEATIN' SONGS AND OLD MILWAUKEE MADE A FOOL OF ME.." is a very catchy phrase. Very "Classic Country" sounding.

I also think it's cool that you used the ACW to resurrect an old song and keep what was already done... and have it tempo mapped so you could add more tracks! Thare are probably visitors to the showcase who have a need to do that sometimes, so your example is useful.

Given the mixing challenges of trying to blend an existing multitrack audio file with new tracks makes me wonder why you didn't go ahead and let BIAB replace all the tracks once you had the tempo mapped and the chords extracted. All you'd have had to do is sing the melody, and you'd have had a seamless backing track and total leeway to mix it any way you like.

But, having said that, I think you did an amazing job of blending old and new together.